Our Impact

Purchased insulated kennel walls for the exterior kennels so dogs can still enjoy the exterior kennels it in the winter.

Purchased one “catio” for Animals of IPAC


Purchased 30 Kuranda beds for IPAC

Built 8-exterior 10×10 dog kennels

$7,000 paid to both Iberia Animal Clinic and All Creatures to help cover IPAC animal medical expenses and bills (7/2023).

$1,500 paid for transport fees to transport IPAC animals (as of 7/2023).

$500 paid for miscellaneous items such as harnesses, leashes, “Adopt Me’ scarfs, etc. (as of 7/2023).

$2,000 paid to various local and out-of-state no-kill rescues to rescue animals from IPAC (as of 7/2023).

$4,000 paid to Louisiana Imagine No Kill (LINK) to pull dogs, free up kennel space, and prevent euthanization (as of 7/2023).

$300 donated to Spay and Neuter Iberia Parish (SNIP) to continue their progress on Spay and Neuter efforts in Iberia Parish (as of 7/2023).